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 We offer classes in parks, backyards, living rooms, indoor play spaces, park districts and preschools across the North Shore. In each of these interactive 45-minute classes, you and your little one will bond with each other and make new friends while we sing, dance, play, pretend and experiment with instruments. 


To sign up for class, use the calendar below:




Do I sign up by session or week-by-week?

Many of our classes are hosted jointly with other organizations, such as Park Districts.  Some of these organizations require sign up by session while others require you to sign up week by week.  And for some, you can do either. â€‹


Sign up by Session

Glencoe Park District

Rootz in Deerfield

Evanston Park District (Chandler-Newberger and South End Community Center)

Sign up by session OR week by week

Kenilworth Park District

Skokie Park District

Sign up week by week

Dance Center Evanston

Giggles Play

Elawa Farm

Tuition Assistance

Jamberry Music is committed to making our classes available and affordable for all families. For information about tuition assistance and free classes, please contact

Class Descriptions

class details


Dance Center Evanston

class pack 

3 Class Pack = $54


- class packs only available for Dance Center Evanston Classes

- Please note that once you purchase a class pack, you still need to reserve a spot in class

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